Honest Junk Removal
Rates for Any Load

Junk Removal West Vancouver

Pay By Weight, Not By Chance

At 505-Junk, we tossed out the volume pricing junk removal model and created specially modified trucks that have honesty built right in. Thanks to our custom onboard weighing system, which is certified by Measurement Canada, we’re able to remove the industry-standard guesswork and your junk all at once.

Cost Estimator

Where’s Your Junk?

Let us know your location, and we’ll provide a quick estimate. Rates include a $99 pickup fee on the first 200 lbs of material. Minimum charges may vary depending on location.


Pull-Up Service

Materials must be placed directly beside a drivable surface (driveway, alley, or road) and be immediately accessible for loading. No barriers, gates, or obstacles between the truck and the materials. We should be able to back up right to the pile. For example, outside near the curb or a house garage.

Pull Up

$181 + GST

Anything over 200lbs is charged at $0.41/lb


Outside Service

Materials located anywhere on the property’s exterior, including backyards, side yards, or behind gates. Items can be up to 50 feet from where the truck can park.

Outside + House

$187 + GST

Anything over 200lbs is charged at $0.44/lb


Inside Service

Materials located inside any ground-level structure including apartment garages, ground floor rooms, or basements. Also, this applies to materials that need to be carried through interior spaces to reach the truck including townhouses with multiple floors.

Inside + House

$197 + GST

Anything over 200lbs is charged at $0.49/lb


Apartment Service

Materials located in any multi-story building requiring elevator or stair use, or materials in units above ground level. This includes condos, apartments, and commercial buildings without direct ground-floor access, and underground parkades where we cannot fit the truck.


$209 + GST

Anything over 200lbs is charged at $0.55/lb

Cost Estimator

Estimate Your Weight

All of our trucks have Measurement Canada-certified scales built into them, so you only pay for the exact amount of weight removed.

Cost Estimator Weight
Cost Estimator Weight
Cost Estimator Weight
Cost Estimator Weight
Cost Estimator Weight
Cost Estimator Weight

Cost Estimator

Your Estimated Price Will Be Between

This estimate includes our pickup base rate of , which covers the first 200 lbs. Any additional junk is calculated at

Note: some items have additional surcharge fees that may affect your estimate.

See Surcharge Rates
Surcharge Items
Mattress  $40  Per Unit
Box Spring  $40  Per Unit
Crib Mattress  $15  Per Unit
Large Tires  $40  Per Unit
Regular Tires  $20  Per Unit
Full Paint Cans  $5  Per Can
Other Items
Drywall Outside  $0.47  /lb
Drywall Inside  $0.50  /lb
Drywall Apartment  $0.53  /lb
Green Waste   Call for Pricing
Insulation   Call for Pricing
Aggregates   Call for Pricing

Book Now

Discounts may apply for larger weights. Call for fee quote.

Surcharge Items
Mattress  $40  Per Unit
Box Spring  $40  Per Unit
Crib Mattress  $15  Per Unit
Large Tires  $40  Per Unit
Regular Tires  $20  Per Unit
Full Paint Cans  $5  Per Can
Other Items
Drywall Outside  $0.47  /lb
Drywall Inside  $0.50  /lb
Drywall Apartment  $0.53  /lb
Green Waste   Call for Pricing
Insulation   Call for Pricing
Aggregates   Call for Pricing

Special Surcharges and
Other Charges

Since we like to be transparent with our pay-by-weight prices, we want to be honest about the fact that some junk items have a more specific disposal price. It’s not because we want to pinch a few pennies. It’s because these items require additional handling from our team, or they have a specific disposal charge at the transfer station that isn’t measured by weight. Here is our detailed list of surcharge and other charge items.

Surcharge Items
Mattress  $40  Per Unit
Box Spring  $40  Per Unit
Crib Mattress  $15  Per Unit
Large Tires  $40  Per Unit
Regular Tires  $20  Per Unit
Full Paint Cans  $5  Per Can
Other Items
Drywall Outside  $0.47  /lb
Drywall Inside  $0.50  /lb
Drywall Apartment  $0.53  /lb
Green Waste   Call for Pricing
Insulation   Call for Pricing
Aggregates   Call for Pricing

Commercial Junk Removal Services

Whether you’re a construction or property management company, we’re here to help keep your site waste-free. We work with some of the largest names in the industry on some of the biggest job sites around. Plus, we make sure to divert as much waste as possible from landfills, while providing full reports for LEED projects and any other diversion goals.

Two 505-Junk employees loading a couch into the truck during a professional junk removal pickup.

Residential Junk Removal Services

Whether you’re a homeowner or a property owner, 505-Junk’s residential junk removal services are here to assist you in maintaining a clutter-free living space. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring your home remains free of unwanted items. We are also passionate about diverting your waste away from landfills, contributing to a greener environment. We take pride in delivering top-notch residential junk removal services tailored to your needs.

locations Served

Find 505-Junk In Your Community

505-Junk doesn’t just make unwanted items disappear. We also do right by the communities we serve by partnering with local transfer stations, recyclers, and charities. This is how we make sure as much junk as possible ends up in a better place than the local landfill. Find us in your community doing junk removal right.